Final Theses
Here you can find all important information about theses at our group.
What you should bring when writing your thesis at our group:
- Good programming skills
- Interest in software engineering
- Enjoy formal work with practical relevance
- Prior knowledge in the area of formal methods
Frequently Asked Questions
If the topic falls into our research areas, we might. However, please check your topic according to the following points:
- Is there a research question?
- Does your topic involve something else than constructing (e.g. implementing) something?
- Does your topic motivate you enough to work on it for roughly 6 month?
- Do you have a written topic proposal (roughly two pages DIN A4 including references)?
If you can answer all of these questions with a strong yes, then please send us your topic for consideration.
We will provide you with a TeX-template for your thesis and presentation slides after the acceptance of your thesis at our group.
In general you are responsible for your own time management for the thesis project. Hence, we will not check if you are still in a time plan and will not create one. However, we will -- of course -- supervise and help with your progress. This means that we will arrange for a 30 minute meeting every 2 weeks. If there is the need for more or longer discussions that of course is always possible, but we found that this is a sustainable pace for most students. The meeting is not meant as a status meeting, but rather to clarify questions or to discuss research results.
You will be part of our seminar for students that write a thesis in our group. The seminar meets most weeks and two students will give talks to report on their thesis (everyone is expected to give two presentations: one to present the idea for the thesis project and one to report on the results of the thesis project).